In the Loop June 2024

Health Panel Drops Breast
Cancer Screening Age to 40
On April 30, 2024, the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force (USPSTF) recommended that women
get a mammogram every other year starting at
age 40 and continuing until they are 74. Nearly one
year after this screening guidance was drafted in
May 2023, the health panel’s recommendations
have been finalized without major changes.
This latest advice from the USPSTF, which comprises
a group of independent disease prevention and medical
experts, is somewhat of a reversal. In 2009, the
health panel raised the age for starting routine mammograms
from 40 to 50. At that time, health experts
were concerned that earlier screening would do more
harm than good. Yet new research reveals that breast
cancer rates among women in their 40s are on the
rise, supporting the expanded recommendation.

The National Cancer Institute reported
that the rate of breast cancer among
women ages 40-49 increased by an average
of 2% each year from 2015-19.

About Breast Cancer
The American Cancer Society reports that breast
cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death
among women. About 42,000 women and 500 men
die from the disease each year. However, breast
cancer is treatable when caught early, and mammograms—
X-ray images of breasts—are a reliable
screening test. The latest medical evidence suggests that every other year, the screening of
breast tissue provides a “moderate net benefit” for
women up to age 74 and can help save lives.
Several risk factors increase an individual’s chances
of getting breast cancer. Some risk factors can’t be
changed—such as family history, age and gender—
whereas others, like smoking and drinking alcohol,
can be avoided. To lower the risk of developing breast
cancer, doctors recommend following a healthy lifestyle
and getting regular screenings. Although breast
cancer may not cause any symptoms in its early stages
and tumors may be too small to be felt in many cases,
abnormalities can still be found with a mammogram.

What Does This Mean?
Health experts stress that if all women follow the
new recommendation of starting routine mammograms
at the age of 40, it could save about 8,000
American lives each year. The guidance applies to
all women who are asymptomatic and at average
risk for breast cancer, including those with dense
breast tissue and a family history of breast cancer.
Contact your doctor if you have questions
about mammograms or your health history.

What You Should Know About Ozempic
Ozempic is an injectable prescription medication
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for treating Type 2 diabetes in adults.
Recently, the drug has gained national attention
from celebrities for its weight loss effects.
Keep in mind that taking Ozempic to lose weight is
considered off-label use, which the drug’s manufacturer
does not promote, suggest or encourage.
Ozempic is medically approved to improve blood sugar
in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. It can also help
people with Type 2 diabetes and known heart disease
reduce their risk for cardiovascular events, such as
stroke or heart attack.

Ozempic for Weight Loss
Researchers have found that people who take Ozempic
may lose modest amounts of weight while on the
medication. The FDA-approved active ingredient in
Ozempic, semaglutide, can impact weight in the following
• It slows the rate at which an individual’s stomach
empties, prolonging feelings of fullness and
• It affects the hunger centers in the brain, reducing
or curbing appetite, hunger and cravings.

The FDA approves semaglutide at higher doses for
treating individuals living with obesity and other
weight-related medical problems under the brand
name Wegovy. However, individuals should only
use Wegovy as a weight-loss tool under medical
supervision and when dealing with “severe” obesity.
Although Ozempic and Wegovy have the same
active ingredient, they have different brand names
and dosage schedules.

Consult your primary care physician if you have
questions or concerns about Ozempic.

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